St. Clement

Plaošnik – St. Panteleimon

St. Panteleimon & St. Clement, Sveti Pantelejmon i Sveti Kliment – Plaošnik. This church and monastery dedicated to St. Panteleimon is located on a very picturesque setting, just a few hundred meters below King Samuel’s fortress in Ohrid, above Lake Ohrid on an area called Plaošnik. Legends states that when […]

Ohrid – Our Lady the Most Glorious (St. Clement)

The Church of Our Lady the Most Glorious – aka Saint Clement – Sveti Kliment (Свети Климент) Crkva Presveta Bogorodica Perivleptos  (Црква Пресвета Богородица Перивлептос) This church was built in 1295 during the reign of Byzantine Emperor Andronicus II Paleologus and dedicated to Our Lady the Most Glorious. In the late 1400s, […]