Lake Tikveš (Tikvesh lake) – Тиквешско Езеро – Tikveshko Ezero
Shortly after exiting the western end of the wine town of Kavadarci is a road on the left that winds southward to Lake Tikveš (Tikvesh Lake). It is a very picturesque drive through the vineyards. At the fish restaurant located on the northeastern we rented a boat and a guide from the shore to take us across Macedonia’s largest artificial lake to the Pološki Monastery which is approachable only by boat.
We took this trip on a beautiful June Friday morning with moderate temperatures and little traffic on the lake. The pictures in the galleries below are arranged into themes. First, boats followed by birds, lake & terrain and the valued Macedonian tradition of weekend houses.
I was impressed by some of the ingenuity I saw, such as the floating camper trailer in picture #7 and the use of solar panels (pics 13 & 14).
Mile our guide informs us that there is electricity to only one side of the lake and as you can see, the only way to reach the majority of the weekend houses is by boat. I assume that is also how they transported the building materials.
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