Saint John the Baptist – Sveti Jovan Krstitel Vetersko – Свети Јован Крстител Ветерско (St Jovan Veterski)
This 14th century church and monastery dedicated to St. George near the village of Vetersko just off the E-75 highway between Katlanovo and Veles. An inscription above the entrance into the monastery reveals that this monastery was built in 1670. Grapes covering the pergola provide welcomed shade for the summer traveler.
As the north and south bound lanes of E75 are separated by a considerable distance in this area, it’s easier to approach the church from the south bound lane. There is a roadside stop marked with a fountain and a miniature church where you can stop and then take a short hike to the monastery.
There is another monastery in the Vetersko area, just north of St. Jovan Veterski, called Kožlenski Monastery that is dedicated to St. Mary.
Google Map for the roadside stop (rest stop) on the highway by the monastery