
Smolare Waterfall

Smolare Waterfall – Смоларски Водопад – Smolarski Vodopad The Smolare Waterfall, named after the nearby village of the same name, is a short drive from Strumica. Heading east from Strumica one can first visit Kolešino Water Falls and then proceed a little further to enjoy the Smolarksi Waterfall. The waterfall is located on […]

Kolešino Waterfalls (Koleshino)

KOLEŠINO (КОЛЕШИНО, KOLESHINO) WATER FALLS Kolešino Water Falls, named after the nearby village (Koleshino, Колешино) is located  in the Novo Selo municipaility, about a 30 minute drive southeast from Strumica.  The water falls are located on Mount Belasica in nicely wooded area at an elevation of 610 meters (2001 feet). The falls […]