Lešok (Leshok) – Sts. Cyril & Methodius

Saints Cyril & Methodius  – Sveti Kiril i Metodij – Свети Кирил и Методиј near the village of Lešok – Лешок (Leshok)

Leshok Monastery – Lešočki (Leshochki Manastir) – Лешочки манастир

This chapel is located inside the Administration Building / Monastery Quarters within the Lešočki Manastir complex.  The monastery is located about 11 kilometers northeast of the town of Tetovo and just 1 kilometer northwest of the village of Lešok.

On the monastery grounds there are two churches. One dedicated to St. Athanasius (Sv Atanasi, Св Атанасиј) and the other church is The Assumption of the Virgin Mary – Uspenie na Presveta Bogorodica (Успение на Пресвета Богородица.




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About Brko

I am a Macedonia enthusiast and an adventurer. I really enjoy being immersed in the Macedonian culture, meeting people from all over Makedonija and sharing their traditions and cultural heritage.