
Vardar River

Vardar River – Вардар Река The Vardar is the main river in Macedonia. The river begins near Gostivar in northeast Macedonia and heads south through the capitol city of Skopje, through Veles and Demir Kapija until it enters Greece near Gevgelija1 and continues until the Aegean Sea. This is also the […]

Demir Kapija Canyon

Demir Kapija Canyon – The Iron Gate – Демир Капија The canyon and the town of Demir Kapija (meaning Iron Gate) is located just off of the E75 highway in southern Macedonia on the way to Gevgelija.  A short drive through the town will take you to this picturesque canyon […]

Skopje – Stone Bridge

The Stone Bridge – Kamen Most (Камен Мост) in Skopje (Скопје) One of Skopje’s most visible landmarks and the city’s symbol, is this stone bridge that connects the modern center of Skopje to the old town and bazaar (Stara Čharšija, Stara Charshija, Стара Чаршија).  A bridge existed here during the […]