
Nerezi – St. Panteleimon (Pantelejmon)

Saint Panteleimon – Свети Пантелејмон (Sveti Pantelejmon)  near Gorno Nerezi (Горно Нерези) The Monastery of St. Panteleimon is located in the village of Gorno Nerezi on Mount Vodno and overlooks the city of Skopje.  The church was built by the Byzantine prince Alexei Angel son of Constantine Angel and Theodora, […]

Plaošnik – St. Panteleimon

St. Panteleimon & St. Clement, Sveti Pantelejmon i Sveti Kliment – Plaošnik. This church and monastery dedicated to St. Panteleimon is located on a very picturesque setting, just a few hundred meters below King Samuel’s fortress in Ohrid, above Lake Ohrid on an area called Plaošnik. Legends states that when […]